Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Two Hundred and Ten Days to the Can...

It begins...

I'm not 100% sure why I decided to do this.
There's just no profit in short film.

Well, actually, that's not true. In fact, short films are the most profitable. We see them everyday, jammed in between segments of our favorite shows...streaming in front of the news clip we are trying to download...

30 seconds to tell a story, to make you smile and buy a car. Commercial spots are the best known short films. In fact, I could argue that it is short films that make television possible, through the revenue they generate.

But let's face it, I am not making a commercial film. I am making about the furthest thing from a commercial film that exists. The dreaded, the loved, the festival short.

And just to make things better, I've decided to pick one that, if successful, will prove offensive, angering and controversial.

This is the story of "Look Forward to a Bright New Past...Financing Available." the film.

I won't bore you with plot details, self-congradulatory anecdotes (well, maybe a few), bragging or pimping...I just thought, that on the off chance any of the Denver-area filmmakers out there, (or anywhere, really) decided to take a look here, they would realize that they are not alone.

I've done this before, I know it is a tough journey.

Dear God, I love it so. I live for this stuff!

Welcome to the adventure, my friends. Day 1, 210 to go...

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